Kazimierz Pawlak

Born in 1957.
1977-1982 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wroclaw. Received an M.A. in art glass from prof. Zbigniew Horbowy’s glass studio
Since 1982   has been a member of the academic staff
Currently Professor, supervises one of the diploma studios for senior students at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wroclaw

Work has been shown in 5 solo exhibitions abroad, and included in several dozen group exhibitions at home and in other countries, including Japan, Germany, France and the USA.
1988 awarded a scholarship, by Polish Ministry of Culture, to study in Czechoslovakia
1994 received a creative scholarship grant from the Creative Glass Center of America in Millvill, New Jersey USA
1998 hosted, as an artist in residence, in the Morin Glass Studio in Dieulefit, France
2011 receives the honor of Merit for Polish Culture
2014 The Coburg Prize. Contemporary Glass 2014. Coburg, Germany.
2014 Grant Danish Arts Fundation - Denmark